E-Learning in a Financial Institution

Kety Jauregui, Rafael Andreu
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
This paper examines how information technology is used in training. It also analyzes the consequences when a particular financial institution based in Barcelona starts to use new technologies to deliver a training program aimed at providing basic knowledge of the business to new employees joining the branch network throughout Spain. From our study, we conclude that there is great potential in the use of new technologies in training. They are being used to exchange (deliver and receive) the course materials, including syllabus, tasks and theoretical content, and as a means of interaction between participants and teachers, and among participants. However, implementing such an online communication system is not very easy, for instance, developing virtual communities of formal and non-formal learning, obtaining adequate course coherence when combining face-to-face and virtual learning, creating virtual courses based on real cases, and having in-house employees as on-line tutors.
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