B2C E-Commerce Trust in Redress Mechanism (Cross Border Issues)

Ong Chin Eang
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
The rise of consumer concerns of trust issue in e-commerce is due to the fact that when disputes occur in the cross-border environment, what is the level of protections (redress) that is available and which jurisdictions that is applicable and enforceable. This paper discuss the issue that with the current three major redress mechanisms, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Country of Origin and Country of Destination. Yet, consumers trust still an issue. It is well recognized that Cross Border environment and Jurisdiction that give rise to the concerns. This paper raises perhaps more important issues that relate to the gap and loophole that be living in the three redress mechanisms and jurisdictions.
Redress, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Country of Origin, Country of Destination
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