Misinformation: Toward Creating a Prevention Framework

Alex Koohang, Edward Weiss
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
Misinformation is unintentional dissemination of misleading information. Misinformation can negatively influence decision-making and productivity within organizations. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to follow a set of principles to prevent misinformation. The purpose of this paper is to create a framework for preventing misinformation. This paper attempts to 1) clarify differences between misinformation and disinformation; 2) identify the person responsible for information and information dissemination; and 3) present a proposed framework for misinformation prevention that includes three phases: information identification, information analysis, and information organization.
Misinformation, Information unbiased, Disinformation, Information biased, Information Architecture, Decision-making, Misinformation Prevention Framework, Information Architect
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