Case and Real-Life Problem-Based Experiential Learning with Information System Projects
InSITE 2003
• Volume 3
• 2003
The focus of this paper is case and real-life problem-based (Ewell, 1997) experiential learning with computer information system projects at California State University Stanislaus. The experiential learning occurs within a four- stage cycle: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experime n-tation. The four principles and strategies applied to bring knowing and doing together are: concreteness, involvement, dissonance, and reflection. The paper shows how the four types of learning environments (affective, perceptually oriented, symbolic, behavioral) are implemented, and student teams guided. Multi-disciplinary aspects of experiential education, and drawbacks specific to the academic environment in assessing students’ performance in team projects are discussed.
Information systems, problem-based learning, practice.
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