Impact of Information Technology on Mathematics Education - A Slovenian Experience

Liljana Ferbar, Peter Trkman
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
This paper deals with the effects of integration of information technology in mathematics education. For this purpose we study the effects information technology has on both the content of mathematical courses as well as the way of presentation of the content. We find out that the content and educational goals should not be changed radically as the main purpose of mathematics is to enhance the mind of the students. On the other hand, information technology can have both, various positive and also negative effects on the way these goals are achieved. As we know, with the Internet it is easier to include practical examples and project work and therefore the usefulness of the course increases. With the increase in its usefulness, as perceived by the students, other positive effects (such as reduction of needed effort and better clarity) can also be achieved. These findings are confirmed with the data gathered from various surveys. We focus specially on mathematical education for non-technical students in Slovenia, but the results can be extended to other countries as well.
mathematics education, evaluation, information technology, Internet, curriculum changes, cost benefit analyses
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