Use of a Model for Information Technology Education
InSITE 2003
• Volume 3
• 2003
In the paper, a model for planning and evaluation of education is presented. In this model, the main goal of education is divided into 4 sub goals that should be obtained in every educational activity. The 4 main components identified in the model are: total knowledge gained, degree of usefulness of that knowledge, reduction of effort in later learning and effort invested in the educational process. The importance of each of those components varies depending on the level and purpose of education. The model is then specially adapted for computer literacy education at various levels of education. It is shown how the emphasis shifts between different sub goals at different levels of education from kindergarten and lower grades of primary school to workplace learning. At the end, the use of the model is shown on a case study that deals with teaching information technology use at university level.
information technology, IT education, pedagogic model, university education
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