On-Line Education in Computer Networks Courses. Study Case: UABC University
InSITE 2003
• Volume 3
• 2003
Currently, distance learning is increasing its application in Mexican Universities; despite that it is not enough to satisfy the demand of higher education in Mexico. This paper presents a comparative analysis of undergraduate student performance in two systems: face-to-face and On-Line education. This analysis was realized with two different courses: Local area network and Interconnectivity. These two courses are part of the Computer Engineering curricula. The results show two important issues: the students are more participative and the team work is improved in the on-line class. The original idea of this work was to quantitatively evaluate face to face and On-line educational systems applied in computer networks. Finally they could not be compared in that manner. Both systems are options that the students have, and according to their profile they can choose the most convenient alternative. Finally, the Internet is a tool, it does not give better or worse education by itself, it has some advan-tages/disadvantages that should be taken into account when an On-Line course is designed.
On-Line Education, Computer Networks teaching, Educational Models
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