Using Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) and Jackson Workbench to Teach Program Design

Nicholas Ourusoff
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
Teaching how to program independently of teaching a programming language has been recognized as a worthwhile goal in computer science pedagogy, but many have abandoned the goal as being impossible to achieve in practice. Jackson Structured Programming (JSP) is a well-documented and proven program design method that is independent of any programming language. CASE tools have generally been used in designing information systems rather than programs. Jackson Workbench (Keyword Computer Services Limited, 2002) is a CASE tool for designing programs (as well as information systems) that generates executable program code in several contemporary programming languages (Visual BASIC, Java, C++). Jackson Workbench contains a unique Structure Editor that uses “hotspots” to draw and syntactically validate program tree structure diagrams. As a result, the user can focus entirely on the design process, and leave the details of drawing to the CASE tool.
program design, visual design, design patterns, software engineering, constructive design, JSP, tree diagrams, modeling, computer science education, CASE tool
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