Technology and the Human Dimension: Using Web-Based Technology to Develop and Record Generic Capabilities. A Library and Information Studies Case Study
InSITE 2003
• Volume 3
• 2003
The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is committed to ensuring that its students are not only discipline savvy but also skilled in generic capabilities. To facilitate the development of generic capabilities within its educational programs QUT has supported a project, which involved the creation of a web based tool known as the Student Capability Profile (SCP). The SCP aims to be a dynamic and flexible vehicle for documenting individual student’s personal development and growth within the broad spectrum of workplace skills. The SCP will be an invaluable tool, especially in the recruitment process, as it will allow students to inform potential employers of their achievement and growth within generic capabilities. This paper will explore a case study of how the system is being used in teaching generic capabilities such as teamwork and communication skills within library and information studies. The paper discusses the practical implications of using technology to facilitate student development of generic capabilities and how it impacts on the teaching and learning process.
genericQ capabilities, library and information studies, IT education, technology and education
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