Using Text Analysis to Inform Clients of the Subject of a Document

Offer Drori
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
Contemporary information databases contain many millions of electronic documents. Locating information on the Internet today is problematic, due to the enormous number of documents it contains. Several other studies have found that associating documents with a subject or list of topics can improve lo-catability of information on the Internet (Drori, 2000a 2000b 2000c). Effective cataloguing of information is performed manually, requiring extensive resources. Consequently, most information is currently not catalogued. This paper aims to present a software tool that automatically locates the subject of a document and to show the results of a test performed, using the software tool, TextAnalysis, specially developed for this purpose. The main purpose of this study is to inform clients of the subject of the corpus of texts it obtains from search engines as a search results list.
Frequently occurring words, Web documents classification, Search results list, Identify topics of documents
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