Technological Problems Associated with Subcutaneous Microchips for Human Identification (SMHI)

Silvia Covacio
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
Past technological developments have encouraged visionary information systems and created fresh linkages that transcend disciplinary boundaries. For example, the long-term research of animal identification technology has paved the way for the instigation and possible widespread implementation of SMHId. Unfortunately, the SMHId system does not come without its own social problems requiring a proactive approach. One such problem under scrutiny is the upsurge of satellite communication technology using microwave radio frequency and related technological gadgets. Past and current research of microwave radiation indicates there are detrimental effects for the environment and humans. If an open environment SMHId configuration is instigated and utilizes global positioning system (GPS) satellite technology, the increase in health problems will consequentially increase pressure on health services already under economic duress.
SMHId, subcutaneous microchips, microwave radio frequency, GPS, satellite, health issues, health services
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