Rethinking Social and Economic Development: Promoting Digital Literacy

Shahram Amiri
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
Today’s digital divide that separates the “haves” and the “have nots” is attributed in part to geography, race, income, employment, age, gender, and education. Not only do some segments of the population remain unconnected, but these sectors also have no desire to connect. Thus, the connected portions of the world must create an urge and necessity to connect so that even the most remote location can access the same information as countries with technological enrichment. The first step towards worldwide connectivity involves worldwide understanding, achieved through information literacy, therefore allowing each person to become an independent, self-sufficient user. These characteristics lead to a better education, where the user can reap the benefits of schooling and life experience because of information literacy skills. The most important reward is an overall improved life where the Internet no longer separates people, but instead brings them together for work, communication, and leisure. These goals can only be accomplished through a collaborative effort involving both those connected, and those not connected. Without cooperation from both sides, the digital divide will continue existing.
digital divide, digital inclusion, information literacy, social responsibility, education, connectivity
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