Using Sounds to Present and Manage Information in Computers

Kari Kallinen
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
The auditive modality, such as speech, signals and natural sounds, is one of the most important ways to present and communicate information. However, in computer interfaces the possibilities of auditive modality have been almost totally neglected. Usually the audio consists of simple signals (beeps and clicks) or background music. The present paper outlines some of the possibilities in presenting and managing information in computers by using audio from the perspective of the semiotic theory of signs. Auditive interfaces can be especially useful for people with visual or kinaesthetic disabilities, as well as in places and with devices when the visual-kinaesthetic using of the machine is difficult, for example while on the move or with small display devices.
Sound, Semiotics, Auditory interface, Sonification
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