Teaching Data Communications and Networking to School of Business Undergraduates: A Pedagogical Framework for Juxtaposing Theory and Practice

Michael Gendron, A.T. Jarmoszko
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
This article proposes a pedagogical framework for teaching an introductory data communications and networking (DCN) course to Management Information Systems (MIS) undergraduate majors within a school of business. Building on the material provided in commonly used DCN undergraduate textbooks, the course introduces students to both theoretical and applied knowledge necessary to solve business and DCN technology problems. Since it is taught in a business school, the course encompasses students’ previous business course work, and has a strong business case orientation. All MIS majors at the senior level are required to take it.
data communications, networking, network design, IS’97.6, IS2002
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