Misinforming, Misunderstanding Misconceptions: What Informing Science Can Do

Antonio Cartelli
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
First of all a survey of the most relevant definitions and hypotheses concerning data, information, communication and knowledge is proposed. Main aim of this introduction is to give to the reader a reference frame for the analysis of the students’ learning and for their knowledge construction works. Soon after some wrong ideas are analyzed with respect to the above conceptual frame, i.e. with respect to didactic communication, to human knowledge construction and to individual cleverness in the use of the concepts pertaining to specific disciplinary fields. At last some considerations on the above results are reported and some hints and suggestions for a revision of the Informing Science definition are proposed; all is done in a perspective that assigns to Informing Science a trans-disciplinary function that helps well-established disciplines like Didactics, Psychology, Philosophy etc. to find new strategies for the analysis of the teaching-learning process.
Informing Science, Data, Information, Communication, Knowledge
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