Using the New Generation of IS Development Techniques in Effective Group Learning: A Pilot Study of a Team-Based Approach in an IT Course

Glen Linton Van Der Vyver, Michael Lane
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
Adaptive and fluid applications development methodologies such as Prototyping, RAD, FAD and Extreme Programming have emerged in recent years in response to organisational realities that include rapid change, uncertainty and ambiguity. These methodologies are well suited to the team-based approach that has become so important in the modern organisation. Yet, many educational programmes in the West still focus on individual learning and assessment. This paper reports on a pilot study where team-based methods are incorporated into a demanding undergraduate I.T. course. An attempt is also made to create a learning environment that incorporates elements of the ‘real world.’ It is established that a team-based approach, where there is a focus on interdependency and group learning, can lead to some dramatic improvements in the performance of IT students but a number of unexpected problems emerge.
Organisational Learning; Team Learning; Prototyping; RAD; FAD; Extreme Programming; Teaching IS
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