Promoting Cooperation and Collaboration in a Web-based Learning Environment

Fay Sudweeks
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
Web-based learning environments provide an attractive method for information dissemination, but in many instances they can be just electronic equivalents of printed course materials. Appropriate learning objectives and pedgagogical strategies are minimal or non-existent. Too often web-based learning environments lack cooperative and collaborative activities with the unintended consequence of feelings of social isolation. This paper describes a case study in which critical elements of online learning settings (Oliver, 2001) were implemented along with essential attributes for effective teamwork. Analyses of student que stionnaires indicate that students gained significant benefits from the instructional design of both the learning environment and the collaborative activity - without meeting face-to-face.
Flexible learning, teamwork, groupwork, web-based learning environments, social interaction, collaboration, cooperative learning
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