Panel on: Engaging Communities: The Role of ICTs

Stephen Tim, Scott A. Webber, Robert Luke
InSITE 2003  •  Volume 3  •  2003
It is estimated that by the end of 2005, over two billion human beings will be connected to each other through networked systems of mobile communications devices. By that time, the amount of communication that takes place between and among machines will exceed the amount of communication that takes place between and among human beings. It is important, therefore, that we focus our efforts on matching communications technology with societal needs. This panel examines the various ways that ICTs can engage, instruct and empower communities in the 21st century. The topics on this panel include: developing more user-friendly access to information on the Internet; teaching democracy to the emerging class of cyber-citizens; promoting accessibility and digital literacy to ICT users with disabilities; and how NGOs can help foster civic engagement in Eastern Europe through ICTs.
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