Multi-Method Evaluations: Case Studies of an Interactive Tutorial and Practice System
InSITE 2006
• Volume 6
• 2006
The teaching and learning of a complex section in Theoretical Computer Science 1 in a distance-education context has been enhanced by a supplementary interactive e-learning system with tutorial and practice functionality in a classic computer-aided instruction (CAI) style. A participative action research process was used to develop, evaluate and refine the application over a longitudinal period. Case studies are presented of evaluations by four different methods - questionnaire surveys, interviews, heuristic evaluation and a post-test. Their respective findings, relating to functionality, usability and contributions to learning, are given and discussed. The findings lead to reflection and lessons are learned regarding the design of e-learning applications. In an overview, the complementary roles of different evaluation techniques are discussed.
Action research, computer-aided instruction, e-learning, human-computer interaction, theoretical computer science, triangulated evaluation methods, usability evaluation
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