Fighting Intrusive Thoughts Using Podcasts: A Strategy for Effective E-Learning

Susan Smith Nash
InSITE 2006  •  Volume 6  •  2006
Delivering course content via portable/mobile audio players can be a part of an effective selfregulatory strategy that also accommodates multiple learning styles while overcoming intrusive thoughts and the anxiety that accompanies them. As a result, academic performance can improve, while increasing self-concept and self-efficacy. Preliminary results of a literature search tracing the impact of intrusive thoughts on performance and a survey of students in extreme conditions where intrusive thoughts are common, suggest that audio downloaded via podcast and played on mobile players can be an effective strategy for combating intrusive thoughts. The combination of surveys and published research also suggested that further studies are warranted in order to explore the most appropriate podcast-based solution to numerous varieties of negative cognitive and emotional responses.
e-learning, instructional strategies, mp3, podcasts, cognitive interference, intrusive thoughts, multiple intelligences, attention principle, online courses, learning outcomes, new technologies, new content delivery methodologies, RSS, iPod, media player, e-learning in extreme conditions, anxiety, self-regulation, self-efficacy
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