Over 283 693 Reasons to Elaborate Education Work and Apply E-learning

Ari Wahlstedt
InSITE 2006  •  Volume 6  •  2006
Data from the national databases about the population and education shows that about 283 693 under 5-year old children stepped into the Finnish educational system in 2004. Their future learning, a lifelong interaction amid developing and decision-making people, is supported with the education that promotes understanding the decisions and knowledge related to them. In Europe, the demand for a high educated labour force and the need for elaborating e-learning are emerging. E-learning enhances crossing of distances like space and time between educational content and the learners. By making advanced learning opportunities accessible to potential and motivated learners over cultural and spatial boundaries, e-learning can aid in distributing economic growth. However, we argue that economic factors should not be superior reasons when justifying the further utilizations of e-learning for our children.
education, educational technology, learning, e-learning, e-learning business.
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