A Model of Introducing e-Learning System at Vocational College for Business Secretaries

Marko Kastelic, Tea Loncaric
InSITE 2007  •  Volume 7  •  2007
In this paper the background, the context and the main challenges of introducing e-leaming at vocational college for business secretaries will be examined. The presented data were gathered from surveys considering all phases of experimental project that took place in the academic year 2005/06 at vocational college Leila in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This article begins with a brief description of circumstances that influenced the research of implementing new technologies in teaching and learning processes. What follows is a general introduction into the field of e-learning and e-learning environments. The main part of this article describes the whole process of integrating e-education into the program for business secretaries. The final part of the article summarizes the work so far and gives some suggestions for the future.
vocational college, adult education, e-learning strategy, e-education, e-learning environment, open source software, SCORM, key elements of success.
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