The Lifelong Learning Iceberg of Information Systems Academics - A Study of On-Going Formal and Informal Learning by Academics

Bill Davey, Arthur Tatnall
InSITE 2007  •  Volume 7  •  2007
This article describes a study that examined the lifelong learning of information systems academics in relation to their normal work. It begins by considering the concept of lifelong learning, its relationship to real-life learning and that lifelong learning should encompass the whole spectrum of formal, non-formal and informal learning. Most world governments had recognised the importance of support for lifelong learning. Borrowing ideas and techniques use by Livingstone in a large-scale 1998 survey of the informal learning activities of Canadian adults, the study reported in this article sought to uncover those aspects of information systems academics’ lifelong learning that might lead policy setters to understand the sources of learning valued by these academics. It could be argued that in the past the university sector was a leader in promoting the lifelong learning of its academic staff, but recent changes in the university environment around the world have moved away from this ideal and academics interviewed from many countries all report rapidly decreasing resources available for academic support. In this environment it is important to determine which learning sources are valued by information systems academic so that informed decisions can be made on support priorities.
Lifelong learning, information systems academics, informal learning, academic policy.
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