An Exploration of How a Technology-Facilitated Part-Complete Solution Method Supports the Learning of Computer Programming

Stuart Garner
InSITE 2007  •  Volume 7  •  2007
This paper reports on the findings from a qualitative research study into the use of a technology-facilitated part-complete solution method (PCSM) that was used to support the learning of computer programming. The use of part-complete solutions to programming problems is one way in which the cognitive load that students experience during learning can be reduced. A code restructuring tool, CORT, was built to support the PCSM and an inquiry into its effectiveness took place over a period of 14 weeks at an Australian university. Results suggest that: the system provided strong scaffolding for student learning; students engaged well with the system and generally used a thoughtful and considered cognitive strategy; and the highest level of support was for student semantic difficulties, although there was also strong support for algorithmic and structural difficulties.
learning, programming, cognition.
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