MILO - A Proposal of Multiple Intelligences Learning Objects

Hamilton Matos, Pollyana Mustaro, Ismar Silveira
InSITE 2007  •  Volume 7  •  2007
Learning objects-driven approaches for the development of instructional content have been widely used to structure entire courses and repositories for distinct learning contexts. Nonetheless, their use is still done in a static, non-adaptive manner, since students are presented to prebuilt compilations of learning object having few or none relationship with its learning current conditions, history or personal learning style, which together compose the student momentum. This work presents an analysis of current instructional design and multiple intelligences theories in order to create learning objects that provide adaptive learning methods according to different students’ characteristics. Using technologies that allow such dynamic approaches, it was created -as a proof of concept - a learning object about the Pythagorean Theorem.
Learning Objects, Instructional Design, Multiple Intelligences, RIA, Design Patterns.
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