The Effect of Student Background in E-Learning - Longitudinal Study

Seta Boghikian-Whitby, Yehia Mortagy
InSITE 2008  •  Volume 8  •  2008
This study surveyed how students’ backgrounds prepare them for online education. The study compared learning outcome between traditional and non-traditional (adult) undergraduate students in online and face-to-face sessions; the difference in learning over time; and the effect of prior online experience. Student learning measurements included: pre-test, final examination (post-test), and final letter grade. Findings revealed that online education is as effective as F2F sessions and that learning has occurred. The study found a significant difference of learning outcomes over time. And that adult student with some prior online experience performed better than those with no prior experience. Conclusions suggest that Adult students benefit more from taking online classes compared to traditional age students, and that computer competency helped improve performance in online classes over time. Additional analysis is needed to determine if there is a difference between the personality of students and their performance in online and F2F classes.
Distance learning, Online education, learning outcomes, e-learning, Internet Based Learning. effectiveness of online education, f2f.
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