Using Interactive Software to Teach Foundational Mathematical Skills

Larysa V Lysenko, Steven Rosenfield, Helena Dedic, Annie Savard, Einat Idan, Philip C. Abrami, Anne Wade, Nadia Naffi
Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice  •  Volume 15  •  2016  •  pp. 019-034
The pilot research presented here explores the classroom use of Emerging Literacy in Mathematics (ELM) software, a research-based bilingual interactive multimedia instructional tool, and its potential to develop emerging numeracy skills. At the time of the study, a central theme of early mathematics curricula, Number Concept, was fully developed. It was broken down into five mathematical concepts including counting, comparing, adding, subtracting and decomposing. Each of these was further subdivided yielding 22 online activities, each building in a level of complexity and abstraction. In total, 234 grade one students from 12 classes participated in the two-group post-test study that lasted about seven weeks and for which students in the experimental group used ELM for about 30 minutes weekly. The results for the final sample of 186 students showed that ELM students scored higher on the standardized math test (Canadian Achievement Test, 2008) and reported less boredom and lower anxiety as measured on the Academic Emotions Questionnaire than their peers in the control group. This short duration pilot study of one ELM theme holds great promise for ELM’s continued development.
Interactive online software, early elementary, mathematics instruction, numeracy skills, number concept, dispositions towards mathematics, two-group post-test design
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