“Hour of Code”: Can It Change Students’ Attitudes toward Programming?

Jie Du, Hayden Wimmer, Roy Rada
Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice  •  Volume 15  •  2016  •  pp. 053-073
The Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science organized by Code.org, a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science. This study investigated the impact of the Hour of Code on students’ attitudes towards computer programming and their knowledge of programming. A sample of undergraduate students from two universities was selected to participate. Participants completed an Hour of Code tutorial as part of an undergraduate course. An electronic questionnaire was implemented in a pre-survey and post-survey format to gauge the change in student attitudes toward programming and their programming ability. The findings indicated the positive impact of the Hour of Code tutorial on students’ attitude toward programming. However, the students’ programming skills did not significantly change. The authors suggest that a deeper alignment of marketing, teaching, and content would help sustain the type of initiative exemplified by the Hour of Code.
computer science education, advocacy, Hour of Code, Code.org, online tutorials, in-troductory computer programming, survey
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