Towards A Methodology for the Pre-Stage of Implementing a Reengineering Project

Shahram Nasiri, Mohammad Javad Nasiri, Asiyeh Sa’adati Azar
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 11  •  2016  •  pp. 215-234
In order to reduce cost, improve functionality and gain competitive advantages, organizations resort to reengineering projects by developing and making changes to organizational processes. The absence of a unified methodology and appropriate analytic approaches prior to the implementation of reengineering projects has made authorities not to adopt correct decision making approaches in this respect. The objective of this paper is to propose a methodology that has to be adopted prior to the implementation of reengineering projects. The statistical population here consists of 25 expert analysts with MA and PhD degrees who are subject to answering a questionnaire. In this proposed methodology the Multi Criterion Decision Making model is applied to allow the analysts to select appropriate models for better and accurate implementation through the least failure coefficient. The Neyriz White Cement Corporation is selected as the subject and the obtained results are compared with the results obtained from similar implemented projects.
Business Process Reengineering, Redesigning Processes, Improvement Process, Multiple-criteria decision-making, Analytical Hierarchy Process
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