The Workforce for the 21st Century
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
• Volume 14
• 2017
• pp. 067-085
Aim/Purpose: In today’s changing economy, economic growth depends on career and technical programs for skill training.
Background: This study discusses the key area in promoting individual learning and skill training and discusses the importance of career education and training as a way of promoting economic growth.
Methodology : This study uses a qualitative study approach to investigate and report on the status and influence of Workforce Education and Development and its economic importance.
Contribution: This report contributes to the knowledge base common to all work settings that can solve many human performance problems in the workplace.
Findings: This study also justifies and validates the ideas on the importance of workforce education and development in the 21st century as a way of developing economic growth and providing learning to make individuals competitive in the global economy.
Recommendations for Practitioners : For practitioners, this study suggests that we must always have discussions of what leads to career success and understanding that there is not enough high-skill/high-wage employment to go around. Therefore, developing these skills requires a decision about a career or related group of jobs to prepare to compete for them; we have to provide training needed in order to be competitive in global economy.
Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers have to develop strategies to promote career direction with willingness to evaluate the level of academic interest, level of career focus and readiness for life away from home (attitudes, skills and knowledge of self).
Impact on Society: Institutions must regularly evaluate curriculum to reflect the rapid technological changes and the globalization of world markets that reflect their mission and develop students’ mindset to always think big and think outside the box in order to be competitive in the global market. Change is external, transition is internal. It is important that the change agent communicate both the reasons for change and the probable consequences that people will experience during the time of this change, which is transition – a change people go through when they become unemployed or face a major employment obstacle in their lives.
Future Research: New research should focus on career assessment materials and related academic programs and career directions that will promote success.
Background: This study discusses the key area in promoting individual learning and skill training and discusses the importance of career education and training as a way of promoting economic growth.
Methodology : This study uses a qualitative study approach to investigate and report on the status and influence of Workforce Education and Development and its economic importance.
Contribution: This report contributes to the knowledge base common to all work settings that can solve many human performance problems in the workplace.
Findings: This study also justifies and validates the ideas on the importance of workforce education and development in the 21st century as a way of developing economic growth and providing learning to make individuals competitive in the global economy.
Recommendations for Practitioners : For practitioners, this study suggests that we must always have discussions of what leads to career success and understanding that there is not enough high-skill/high-wage employment to go around. Therefore, developing these skills requires a decision about a career or related group of jobs to prepare to compete for them; we have to provide training needed in order to be competitive in global economy.
Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers have to develop strategies to promote career direction with willingness to evaluate the level of academic interest, level of career focus and readiness for life away from home (attitudes, skills and knowledge of self).
Impact on Society: Institutions must regularly evaluate curriculum to reflect the rapid technological changes and the globalization of world markets that reflect their mission and develop students’ mindset to always think big and think outside the box in order to be competitive in the global market. Change is external, transition is internal. It is important that the change agent communicate both the reasons for change and the probable consequences that people will experience during the time of this change, which is transition – a change people go through when they become unemployed or face a major employment obstacle in their lives.
Future Research: New research should focus on career assessment materials and related academic programs and career directions that will promote success.
workforce development, technology, unemployment and employment growth, labor force, education and job training, economic growth and instructional technology
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