Design Based Research in Doctoral Studies: Adding a New Dimension to Doctoral Research

Wendy M Goff, Seyum Getenet
International Journal of Doctoral Studies  •  Volume 12  •  2017  •  pp. 107-121
Aim/Purpose: We show a new dimension to the process of using design-based research approach in doctoral dissertations.

Background: Design-based research is a long-term and concentrated approach to educational inquiry. It is often a recommendation that doctoral students should not attempt to adopt this approach for their doctoral dissertations. In this paper, we document two doctoral dissertations that used a design-based research approach in two different contexts.

Methodology : The study draws on a qualitative analysis of the methodological approaches of two doctoral dissertations through the lenses of Herrington, McKenney, Reeves and Oliver principles of design-based research approach.

Contribution: The findings of this study add a new dimension to using design-based research approach in doctoral dissertations in shorter-term and less intensive contexts.

Findings: The results of this study indicate that design-based research is not only an effective methodological approach in doctoral dissertations, but it also has the potential to guide future research direction beyond examination.

Recommendations for Practitioners : The findings of this study demonstrate that the design based research approach could bring researchers and practitioners together regarding a common purpose to design context-based solutions to educational problems.

Impact on Society: We show an alternative view and application of design-based research in doctoral dissertations. Also, we identify the benefits of this type of research for doctoral students after completing their dissertations.
design based research, doctoral study, doctoral dissertation
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