Exploring the Role of M-learning in Elementary Education

Hsiu Ju Chen
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research  •  Volume 16  •  2017  •  pp. 459-474

This study explores the associations between elementary school learners’
m-learning and learner satisfactions based on the technology-mediated learning model.

M-learning (mobile learning) is emerging, but its role in elementary education still needs clarification.

Questionnaires were mailed to several different elementary schools, located in different areas that adopted m-learning. Due to the possible limited cognitive ability because of age, short measures were adopted in the study. Finally, data from eighty-six elementary school learners who had experience in mobile learning were gathered and analyzed with Partial Least Square (PLS) for the limited sample size.

The results implied the vital role of m-learning in providing different form of interaction in class to activate elementary school learners’ course participation. They also indicated that mobile learning not only activated learners’ active course participation but linked students, teachers, courses, and schools.

The results showed that m-technology quality of mobile learning was signifi-cantly associated with learners’ active course participation and satisfaction to-ward apps/tablets in m-learning that contributed to different learner satisfac-tions.

The findings suggested that with good interaction quality facilitated by apps/tablets in m-learning, m-learning could be a suitable medium for teachers to have interaction with students and increased students’ different satisfactions in schools at alternative collective learning environments in elementary education.

Future studies to measure and reflect different impact of student-teacher interaction in m-learning are suggested.

active course participation, m-technology quality, satisfaction toward course satisfaction toward peers, satisfaction toward school
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