The $30M Delimma - A New Auditor For The College
Muma Case Review
• Volume 3
• 2018
• pp. 001-025
Marlo Murphy-Braynen, CFO at The College of The Bahamas (the College) rose early on September 28, 2017, and headed into the office, where many tasks awaited her. An online payment solution was urgently needed, to address the long line of students who queued up daily at the Business Office. In three weeks the College’s annual budget was due; normally this would take three months to prepare. There were deadlines too, associated with several union negotiations. And, at a time of critical cash flow shortages, a three year audit backlog had put an important $30M loan in jeopardy. The loan was needed to facilitate the College’s strategic transition to university status. The Caribbean Development Bank had specified that the College’s three-year audit backlog must be completed before the loan would be finalized.
Audit, corporate governance framework, accountability, fairness, and transparency.
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