Introducing DigLit Score: An Indicator of Digital Literacy Advancement in Higher Education

Jorge Pérez, Meg Coffin Murray
InSITE 2018  •  2018  •  pp. 013-020

This paper introduces DigLit Score, an indicator of the extent to which educational institutions identify, assess, and amplify student digital literacy.

Digital literacy has garnered considerable attention of late among scholars, leaders, and journalists. Nonetheless, institutions of higher education have been slow to define, assess, and amplify digital literacy on par with how reading, writing, and arithmetic are addressed.

The dimensionality of DigLit Score – define, assess, amplify, assess – is demonstrated via two case studies.

A measure of digital literacy offers university leaders and policy makers a means to monitor its diffusion.

Only one of the institutions was found to have a holistic approach to advancing digital literacy.

Practitioners should use DigLit Score to benchmark advancement of digital literacy in higher education.

Researchers should refine DigLit Score and expand its application within and beyond higher education.

DigLit Score represents an important first step in the direction of providing an important benchmark for higher education.

Future research will refine DigLit Score and broaden its application within and beyond higher education.

digital literacy, technology, curriculum, assessment, student learning
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