Capturing Bio-Sensing Solutions: Biomonapp’s Story about the Seasons of Change across a Global Sustainable Landscape - Monitoring for Sustainable Bioremediation in Rural & Urban Farms, Soil, Agronomy, & Aquaculture

Christine M Cunningham
InSITE 2018  •  2018  •  pp. 103-126

This paper addressed the topics of sustainable agronomy, aquaculture, hydroponics and soil monitoring methods that show how to move towards a repairing mode and bioremediation in many locations across the globe.

Sixty percent of the world’s major terrestrial ecosystems are being degraded; the human ecological footprint is spreading across the globe. The major human impact on terrestrial ecosystems in the form of depletion of ground water, over grazing of livestock, clearing for agriculture, timber and urban development, soil damage from off road vehicles, hydroelectric dams and reservoirs, and air pollution from urban areas and power plants. The cost to bio remediate is in the trillions.

AG biotech methodologies and applications

The paper bridges such gaps and informs about brave entrepreneurs and university and community individuals with innovative ideas and emerging technologies that gain the momentum for funding and monitoring nutrient uptake and toxic removal of harmful chemicals from water, soil, plants and fish for restoration to take place. Such techniques begin to conquer the giant by restoring the wealth to our soils and water, rural and urban farmlands and forests that retain and capture natural capital and ensure that nutrition and value added resources minerals are not lost.

Biomonapp can detect and make recommendations for repairing & making sustainable solutions, many entrepreneurs & academics have pioneered ways to find SUS solutions

Read from the articles and books listed in the references of this paper to understand the need for bioremediation. Use Biomonapp to diagnose water, soil & fish problems & find solutions. Attend conferences & seminars about SUS responsibility & phytoremediation

To investigate the phytoremediation and bioremediation techniques. Applications for Biomonapp for plants, water, soil, & animals to rejuvenate and repair water, soil and urban & rural communities

These ideas give the power back to local people who can learn to enhance their lives not only by foods but the sustainable green jobs that are being created to make sure urban and rural areas truly are sustainable.

The results of monitoring with biosensors & bio monitoring methods with regards to sustainable bioremediation, renovating, continued SUS responsibility training, continued evidence of repair and protecting natural capital & ecosystem services

biotechnology, agbiotech, bio monitoring, sustainable urban & rural farming methods, hydroponics, aquaponics, endemic & keystone species, biodiversity, Biomonapp, sustainable corporate responsibility, CEA, RAS, emerging technologies, eco-friendly, phytoremediation, green biochemistry
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