An Overlapless Incident Management Maturity Model for Multi-Framework Assessment (ITIL, COBIT, CMMI-SVC)

João Aguiar, Ruben Pereira, José Braga Vasconcelos, Isaias Bianchi
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 13  •  2018  •  pp. 137-163

This research aims to develop an information technology (IT) maturity model for incident management (IM) process that merges the most known IT frameworks’ practices. Our proposal intends to help organizations overcome the current limitations of multiframework implementation by informing organizations about frameworks’ overlap before their implementation.

By previously identifying frameworks’ overlaps it will assist organizations during the multi-framework implementation in order to save resources (human and/or financial).

The research methodology used is design science research (DSR). Plus, the authors applied semi-structured interviews in seven different organizations to demonstrate and evaluate the proposal.

This research adds a new and innovative artefact to the body of knowledge.

The proposed maturity model is seen by the practitioners as complete and useful. Plus, this research also reinforces the frameworks’ overlap issue and concludes that some organizations are unaware of their actual IM maturity level; some organizations are unaware that they have implemented practices of other frameworks besides the one that was officially adopted.

Practitioners may use this maturity model to assess their IM maturity level before multi-framework implementation. Moreover, practitioners are also incentivized to communicate further requirements to academics regarding multi-framework assessment maturity models.

Researchers may explore and develop multi-frameworks maturity models for the remaining processes of the main IT frameworks.

This research findings and outcomes are a step forward in the development of a unique overlapless maturity model covering the most known IT frameworks in the market thus helping organizations dealing with the increasing frameworks’ complexity and overlap.

Overlapless maturity models for the remaining IT framework processes should be explored.

IT framework, maturity model, DSR, incident management, overlap, ITIL, COBIT, CMMI
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