Faculty Use of the Active Learning Classroom: Barriers and Facilitators

Orit Avidov Ungar, Becky Leshem, Adva Margaliot, Etty Grobgeld
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research  •  Volume 17  •  2018  •  pp. 485-504

The study aimed to examine teacher educators’ perceptions regarding their ability to implement innovative pedagogies following a year during which they used a newly equipped Active Learning Classroom (ALC), designed for teacher training

To this end, we asked how participants perceived the effective use of the ALC and how they were able to leverage the use of the ALC to implement innovative pedagogies.

Using the grounded theory method, we conducted qualitative analysis of data collected from semi-structured in-depth personal interviews. The sample included 22 randomly-selected teacher educators in a single teacher-education college, who had used the ALC over the last year. Average teaching tenure was 22 years.

As part of the transition to using innovative pedagogies in an ICT (Information Communication Technology) enhanced teaching environment, our proposed model can be used to map teachers’ perceptions and proficiencies, so as to address the specific needs of each group.

Analysis revealed four pedagogic teaching patterns. Based on the TPACK (Technology, Pedagogy, and Content, Knowledge) model as a theoretical framework, we were able to relate these patterns to participants’ strengths and weaknesses in technological and pedagogic knowledge and the ways in which they used the ALC. These patterns testify that there are different levels of use and integration of technology and pedagogy by teacher educators.

Enhancing teachers’ knowledge, promoting innovative concepts and removing barriers for ICT usage require integrated technological-pedagogic guidance, which should be provided to the teachers by instructors with integrated TPK (Technology Pedagogy Knowledge).

The ability to map technological and pedagogic strengths in accord with teaching patterns and styles provides an advantageous and applicable foundation that can be used by any future studies that wish to pursue this line of investigation.

Formulating new strategies in teacher education would effectively make teacher educators the leading force driving the desired transformation, whereby teachers have the skills and knowledge to prepare students to become productive members of society in the 21st century.

Future studies are encouraged to use our proposed model (which maps technological and pedagogic strengths in accord with teaching patterns) to examine additional questions, for example, what is the relationship between teaching style and teaching effectiveness and can it provide the impetus to attempt to shift teachers’ attitudes and styles?

TPACK, teacher educators, teaching style, teacher perceptions, techno-logical classroom, pedagogy
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