Integrating Character Education on Physics Courses with Schoology Based E-learning

F Shoufika Hilyana, Muhammad Malik Hakim
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research  •  Volume 17  •  2018  •  pp. 577-593

This study intends to find out the difference between the use of Schoology-based e-learning and conventional learning by integrating character education in the learning process

E-learning has a high contribution to change learning process positively, but it is a big challenge to conduct character education through e-learning, because of the reduced intensity of face-to-face with lecturers as the primary role model.

The research sample consisted of 55 students of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muria Kudus. This study involved two variables: the experimental variable and the dependent variable. Experimental variables are treatment variables for the experimental class, namely physics learning through Schoology-based e-learning, and treatment variables for the control class used as a comparison, namely, conventional learning. The dependent variable is ANEKA-based character education. Indicators of ANEKA character values are integrated into the learning process and are measured using a Likert scale, which is given at the beginning and end of learning in the control and experimental classes. The normality testing use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method; the homogeneity test use Levene’s test; and hypotheses testing use F-ANOVA test and paired samples t-test.

Contributions of this study are character education for students that could be done through e-learning by integrating character value (such as ANEKA) into the way they learn.

The results of the study show the student learning outcomes of Schoology-based e-learning platform users by 16% higher compared to conventional learning. The character values of students using e-learning also higher 20% compared to conventional learning. So it can be said that learning physics by using Schoology-based e-learning, which is integrated with ANEKA-based character education, can improve character values and student learning outcomes.

Findings from this research can convince the lecturer to integrate character values of ANEKA to their subject through e-learning

For researchers, it is necessary to develop more scope including the use of other subjects and other study program students as respondents in the further study

ANEKA character values could be integrated into the learning process, which can improve students’ attitudes in their daily life

Research on practicality and effectiveness in developing Schoology-based e-learning in other courses by integrating character values

ANEKA, e-learning, physics, character education, Schoology
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