Changing the Learning Environment: Teachers and Students’ Collaboration in Creating Digital Games

Noga Magen- Nagar, Hanna Shachar, Osnat Argaman
Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice  •  Volume 18  •  2019  •  pp. 061-085

The current study examines the impact of an intervention program to train teachers to collaborate with their students while creating digital games.

Teachers seem unable to leverage the potential of ICT to present students with a rich learning environment. ICT integration is usually at a relatively simple and concrete level without changing the traditional teacher-student paradigm.

The study is both quantitative and qualitative. Participants were 63 active teachers studying in the M.Ed. program at a teacher education college. The teachers responded to a series of pre- and post-questionnaires and wrote a concluding reflection.

Teaching based on creating digital games, combined with teacher-class collaboration, is a viable and real alternative of constructivist teaching, adapted to different learners.

The SEM path analysis showed that it was only after the intervention that the lower the teachers’ resistance to changing teaching patterns, the higher their intrinsic motivation to learn an innovative pedagogical-technological program and likewise the sense of mastery of 21st-century skills, resulting in a positive attitude towards classroom collaboration. The qualitative findings reveal eight categories dealing with two main themes: the first is professional development, including conceptual, behavioral and emotional change, and the second is the teachers’ perception of the learners.

Teacher training should be ongoing in order to change teaching-learning processes and promote an active approach based on constructive principles, 21st-century skills and collaboration between teachers and students in a computer environment.

Future studies should start by sampling teachers and education professionals who have convenient access to technology in their teaching-learning environment.

Collaboration between teachers and students in creating learning games in a computer environment and teacher-class collaboration, in general, require very different training than that which exists today. Hence there should be some rethinking of teacher training. The proposed pedagogical model is one such idea in the right direction.

A larger study with a greater number of participants, including a control group, should be conducted.

collaboration, digital games, 21st-century skills, teacher training, professional development, intrinsic motivation, resistance to change
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