Bibliographic Review of the Flipped Classroom Model in High School: A Look from the Technological Tools

Lina María Pastes Urbano, Hamil S. Terán, Fabinton Sotelo Gómez, Mario F Solarte, Carlos J Sepulveda, Juan M López Meza
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research  •  Volume 19  •  2020  •  pp. 451-474

The purpose is a bibliographic review that seeks to offer a clearer vision of the impact of technological tools on the implementation of the flipped classroom model.

This document reviews the flipped classroom and secondary education literature to analyze what technological tools are used to implement this model in secondary education settings and their impact on students.

For the review, an analysis of 61 articles found in SCOPUS and WOS was carried out, processed with a scientometric tool, where the implementation of the inverted classroom model in high school is evident, and, according to these, an in-depth analysis was carried out on which tools are most used and in which contexts they are applied.

This document offers new researchers a more unobstructed view of what type of technological tools have been implemented in the flipped classroom model in the context of high school and how students perceive them.

This review analyzes the following aspects:
• Analysis of the leading countries where the flipped classroom model is applied in secondary education.
• Analysis of the subjects where the flipped classroom model has been implemented.
• It offers an analysis of the most used technological tools and in which contexts they are applied (online or offline).

This document helps new researchers make a conscious decision about the type of tool to implement to support the flipped classroom model and shows the importance of developing technological tools that are not limited by the use of the internet so that they can reach a more significant number of people.

Carry out research that focuses on applications that support low connectivity contexts, in order to improve the implementation of the flipped classroom model.

flipped classroom, high school, technology platforms
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