Critical Success Factors for Implementing Business Intelligence Projects (A BI Implementation Methodology Perspective)

Mina Ranjbarfard, Zeynab Hatami
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 15  •  2020  •  pp. 175-202

The purpose of this paper is to identify Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Business Intelligence (BI) implementation projects by studying the existing BI project implementation methodologies and to compare these methodologies based on the identified CSFs.

The implementation of BI project has become one of the most important technological and organizational innovations in modern organizations. The BI project implementation methodology provides a framework for demonstrating knowledge, ideas and structural techniques. It is defined as a set of instructions and rules for implementing BI projects. Identifying CSFs of BI implementation project can help the project team to concentrate on solving prior issues and needed resources.

Firstly, the literature review was conducted to find the existing BI project implementation methodologies. Secondly, the content of the 13 BI project implementation methodologies was analyzed by using thematic analysis method. Thirdly, for examining the validation of the 20 identified CSFs, two questionnaires were distributed among BI experts. The gathered data of the first questionnaire was analyzed by content validity ratio (CVR) and 11 of 20 CSFs were accepted as a result. The gathered data of the second questionnaire was analyzed by fuzzy Delphi method and the results were the same as CVR. Finally, 13 raised BI project implementation methodologies were compared based on the 11 validated CSFs.

This paper contributes to the current theory and practice by identifying a complete list of CSFs for BI projects implementation; comparison of existing BI project implementation methodologies; determining the completeness degree of existing BI project implementation methodologies and introducing more complete ones; and finding the new CSF “Expert assessment of business readiness for successful implementation of BI project” that was not expressed in previous studies.

The CSFs that should be considered in a BI project implementation include: “Obvious BI strategy and vision”, “Business requirements definition”, “Business readiness assessment”, “BI performance assessment”, “Establishing BI alignment with business goals”, “Management support”, “IT support for BI”, “Creating data resources and source data quality”, “Installation and integration BI programs”, “BI system testing”, and “BI system support and maintenance”. Also, all the 13 BI project implementation methodologies can be divided into four groups based on their completeness degree.

The results can be used to plan BI project implementation and help improve the way of BI project implementation in the organizations. It can be used to reduce the failure rate of BI implementation projects. Furthermore, the 11 identified CSFs can give a better understanding of the BI project implementation methodologies.

The results of this research helped researchers and practitioners in the field of business intelligence to better understand the methodology and approaches available for the implementation and deployment of BI systems and thus use them. Some methodologies are more complete than other studied methodologies. Therefore, organizations that intend to implement BI in their organization can select these methodologies according to their goals. Thus, Findings of the study can lead to reduce the failure rate of implementation projects.

Future researchers may add other BI project implementation methodologies and repeat this research. Also, they can divide CSFs into three categories including required before BI project implementation, required during BI project implementation and required after BI project implementation. Moreover, researchers can rank the BI project implementation CSFs. As well, Critical Failure Factors (CFFs) need to be explored by studying the failed implementations of BI projects. The identified CSFs probably affect each other. So, studying the relationship between them can be a topic for future research.

business intelligence, business intelligence project implementation, business intelligence implementation methodologies, Fuzzy Delphi method, critical success factors (CSF)
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