The Effect of Marketing Knowledge Management on Bank Performance Through Fintech Innovations: A Survey Study of Jordanian Commercial Banks

Hani H Al-Dmour, Futon Asfour, Rand Al-Dmour, Ahmed Al-Dmour
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 15  •  2020  •  pp. 203-225

This study aimed to examine the effect of marketing knowledge management (MKM) on bank performance via the mediating role of the Fintech innovation in Jordanian commercial banks.

An extensive number of studies found a significant relationship between Marketing knowledge management and bank performance (e.g., Akroush & Al-Mohammad, 2010; Hou & Chien 2010; Rezaee & Jafari, 2015; Veismoradi et al., 2013). However, there remains a lack of clarity regarding the relationship between marketing knowledge management (MKM) and bank performance (BP). Furthermore, the linkage between MKM and BP is not straightforward but, instead, includes a more complicated relationship. Therefore, it is argued that managing marketing knowledge management assets and capabilities can enhance performance via the role of financial innovation as a mediating factor on commercial banks; to date, however, there is no empirical evidence.

Based on a literature review, knowledge-based theory, and financial innovation theory, an integrated conceptual framework has been developed to guide the study. A quantitative approach was used, and the data was collected from 336 managers and employees in all 13 Jordanian commercial banks using online and in hand instruments. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze and verify the study variables.

This article contributes to theory by filling a gap in the literature regarding the role of marketing knowledge management assets and capabilities in commercial banks operating in a developing country like Jordan. It empirically examined and validated the role of Fintech innovation as mediators between marketing knowledge management and bank performance

The main findings revealed that marketing knowledge management had a significant favorable influence on bank performance. Fintech innovation acted as partial mediators in this relationship.

Commercial banks should be fully aware of the importance of knowledge management practices to enhance their financial innovation and bank performance. They should also consider promoting a culture of practicing knowledge management processes among their managers and employees by motivating and training to promote innovations.

The result endorsed Fintech innovation’s mediating effect on the relationship between the independent variable, marketing knowledge management (assets and capabilities), and the dependent variable bank performance, which was not addressed before; thus, it needs further validation.

The current designed research model can be applied and assessed further in other sectors, including banking and industrial sectors across developed and developing countries. It would also be of interest to introduce other variables in the study model that can act as consequences of MKM capabilities, such as financial and non-financial performance measures

marketing knowledge management, Fintech innovation, bank performance
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