A Lobbyist's Dilemma
Muma Case Review
• Volume 6
• 2021
• pp. 001-037
Georgia Lobbyist, Jet Toney, didn't know what to do. There were 11 days left in the 2020 Georgia legislative session and the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House had decided, due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, to suspend the session to a time indeterminate. This had never happened, not even in wartime. Jet's oldest client, the Georgia Independent Colleges Association had a budget item and a bill they needed Jet to handle before the Session adjourned. Jet watched all his hard work evaporate as all 236 House and Senate Members scattered back across the state. With all no longer under the Capitol Gold Dome, what options did Jet have to preserve his successes and forge new ones?
Georgia, legislature, lobbying, budget, legislation, COVID-19
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