Muma Case Review
• Volume 6
• 2021
• pp. 001-024
Meals on Wheels of Tampa (MOWT), a 501(C)3 tax-exempt organization founded in 1975, delivers hot meals to people in need in the community, mostly the elderly and the homebound that live alone. The meals are prepared, packaged and delivered by the organization on a daily basis, approximately 870 meals per day. Beneficiaries of the program truly depend on it, not only because of their inability to procure their own meals, but also because for some, this is the only nutritious meal they eat every day. The work is done by staff and volunteers. The staff does a remarkable job of coordinating the volunteers, especially regarding the logistics of delivering the meals. All the funds needed for this operation come from charitable donations and local community support. When the COVID-19 pandemic started lurking in early 2020, it was very clear that it would be a large disruptor to the MOWT operation.
Covid-19, Elderly, Logistics, Volunteers, Service, Charitable, Non-profit, Food insecurity
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