Understanding of the Quality of Computer-Mediated Communication Technology in the Context of Business Planning

Junghyun Nam
Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline  •  Volume 24  •  2021  •  pp. 111-127

This study seeks to uncover the perceived quality factors of computer-mediated communication in business planning in which communication among teammates is crucial for collaboration.

Computer-mediated communication has made communicating with teammates easier and more affordable than ever. What motivates people to use a particular CMC technology during business planning is a major concern in this research.

This study seeks to address the issues by applying the concept of Information Product Quality (IPQ). Based on 21 factors derived from an extensive literature review on Information Product Quality (IPQ), an experimental study was conducted to identify the factors that are perceived as most relevant.

The findings in this study will help developers find a more customer-oriented approach to developing CMC technology design, specifically useful in collaborative work, such as business planning.

This study extracted the three specific quality factors to use CMC technology in business planning: informational, physical, and service.

Future research will shed more light on the generality of these findings. Future studies should be extended to other population and contextual situations in the use of CMC.

computer-mediated communication, business planning, instant messaging, information product quality, information quality
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