Organizing Information Obtained From Literature Reviews – A Framework for Information System Area Researchers

Ajit Kumar, Amrita Priyadarsini
Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline  •  Volume 25  •  2022  •  pp. 023-044

A literature review is often criticized for the absence of coherent construction, synthesis of topics, and well-reasoned analysis. A framework is needed for novice researchers to organize and present information obtained from the literature review.

Information and communication technologies advancement have yielded overwhelming information. The massive availability of information poses several challenges, including storage, processing, meaningful organization, and presentation for future consumption. Information System Researchers have developed frameworks, guidelines, and tools for gathering, filtering, processing, storing, and organizing information. Interestingly, information system researchers have vast information that needs meaningful organization and presentation to the research fraternity while conducting a literature review on a research topic.

This paper describes a framework called LACTiC (Location, Author, Continuum, Time, and Category) that we adapted from another framework called LATCH (Location, Alphabetical, Time, Category, and Hierarchy). LATCH was used to organize and present information on e-commerce websites for seamless navigation. We evaluated the LACTiC framework.

Information System Researchers can use the LACTiC framework to organize information obtained from literature review.

The evaluation reveals that most researchers from information systems organize information obtained from the literature review category-wise, followed by continuum, author, time, and location.

Overall, the framework works well and can be helpful for researchers for an initial idea for organizing information obtained from the literature review.

To conceptualize the framework, the study was carried out using Information Systems related literature. To generalize the proposed framework, we may suggest that the study can be extended to other areas of business management, such as marketing, finance, operation, decision sciences, accounting, and economics.

LATCH, Five Hat Rack, information organization, LACTiC
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