Adoption of Mobile Commerce Services Among Artisans in Developing Countries

Isaac Asampana, Albert Akanlisikum Akanferi, Akwetey Henry Matey, Hannah Ayaba Tanye
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 17  •  2022  •  pp. 101-123

This paper aims to analyze how artisans in Ghana are incorporating mobile commerce into their everyday business and how perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms, age, gender, expertise, and educational level affected the adoption and usage of m-commerce.

This study integrates well-established theoretical models to create a new conceptual model that ensures a comprehensive mobile commerce adoption survey.

A cross-sectional survey was conducted to measure the constructs and their relations to test the research model.

The study’s findings confirmed previous results and produced a new conceptual model for mobile commerce adoption and usage.

Except for gender, perceived ease of use, and subjective norms that did not have specific effects on mobile commerce adoption, age, educational level, perceived usefulness, expertise, attitude, and behavioral intention showed significant effects.

First of all, mobile commerce service providers should strategically pay critical attention to customer-centered factors that positively affect the adoption of mobile commerce innovations than focusing exclusively on technology-related issues. Mobile service providers can attract more users if they carefully consider promoting elements like perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use which directly or indirectly affect the individuals’ decision to adopt information technology from consumer perspectives.

Second, mobile commerce service providers should strategically focus more on younger individuals since, per the research findings, they are more likely to adopt mobile commerce innovations than the older folks in Ghana.

Third, service providers should also devise strategies to retain actual users of m-commerce by promoting elements like behavioral intentions and attitude, which according to the research findings, have a higher predictive power on actual usage of m-commerce.

The conceptual model developed can be employed by researchers worldwide to analyze technology acceptance research.

The study’s findings suggested that mobile commerce adoption could promote a cashless society that is convenient for making buying things quicker and easier.

The research sample size could be increased, and also the study could all sixteen regions in Ghana or any other country for a broader representation.

mobile commerce, attitude, artisans, behavioral intention, adoption, actual use
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