Analysis of a Mobile Learning Adoption Model for Learning Improvement Based on Students’ Perception

Henki Bayu Seta, Theresiawati - -, Sarika Afrizal, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research  •  Volume 21  •  2022  •  pp. 169-196

This identifies the factors that influence the application of mobile learning in order to improve the student learning process at universities in Indonesia based on the student’s perspective regarding factors that affect mobile learning, which is still rarely done in the Indonesian context.

The pandemic has had an impact on education in Indonesia so teaching and learning activities utilize online learning applications (online) to support the learning process (online teaching and learning). Although mobile learning is increasingly being used in universities in Indonesia, there have not been many studies on the factors that drive mobile learning adoption.

The research method used was the quantitative method. Research based on the elaboration of the mobile learning adoption model was conducted based on students’ perceptions of mobile learning adoption using the perceived interactivity of the mobile learning model and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that has been modified to describe the adoption of mobile learning.

This research contributes to knowledge in identifying and analyzing mobile learning adoption using three types of perceived interactivity; namely, perceived interactivity between users, perceived interactivity between users and mobile learning applications, and perceived interactivity with mobile learning infrastructure, and evaluating the perceived interactivity impact of mobile learning adoption on perceived ease of use, satisfaction, and ongoing intention to use mobile learning. This study also evaluates the impact of mobile learning adoption on perceived usefulness, satisfaction, perceived enjoyment, and continuance intention to use mobile learning.

It was found that the factor in mobile learning based on the student’s perspective became one of the components of the mobile learning interactivity model. The components are grouped into user-perceived interactivity (student-to-teacher, student-student, student-to-content), perceived interactivity within the application (perceived ease of use, perceived ubiquity, quality of learning content), and perceived interactivity in infrastructure (network quality, system quality).

The significant influence of adopting mobile learning in Indonesia is the Indonesian government which needs to provide a perception of quality interactivity and interesting and fun learning content so that users will feel comfortable when using mobile learning. The ease of use of mobile learning applications must also be adjusted to the needs of users and the learning content needed by users so that mobile learning can be better.

This work confirms that nine of the twelve variables used have a significant influence on the adoption of mobile learning in universities in Indonesia. The nine variables are student-to-student interactivity, student-to-content interactivity, perceived ease of use, perceived ubiquity, quality of learning content, system quality, perceived enjoyment, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction.

For universities, the development of mobile learning adoption in universities must be designed by considering interactivity in learning, learning content that is in accordance with user learning outcome targets set by the faculty, and user study programs, as well as taking into account aspects of learning technology, such as user information security and user interfaces that can provide convenience for mobile learning users, so that the quality of information, the quality of learning, and the learning system can be well received by users.

Future studies will be able to cover all regions of Indonesia, represented by several public and private universities, by considering several additional factors, including user safety in using mobile learning.

mobile learning, Indonesian higher education, student perspectives, Indonesia
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