Human Resource Management and Humanitarian Operations Performance: A Case Study of Humanitarian Organizations in Malaysia

Zeti Suzila Mat Jusoh, Nasruddin Hassan, Mazlan Hassan, Haslinda Hashim
Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management  •  Volume 17  •  2022  •  pp. 235-258

This research aims to analyze the effect of human resource management on humanitarian operations performance, using humanitarian organizations in Malaysia as a case.

Humanitarian organizations need to develop and continue effective on-the-job human resource management, such as training and development and managing employee performance to enhance the performance of their humanitarian operations.

The sampling technique that was conducted is probability sampling. In particular, the technique is called stratified sampling. This technique is chosen because it is involving the division of a population into a smaller group, called “strata”. The questionnaire survey was distributed to humanitarian organizations in Malaysia to collect research data, and PLS-SEM analysis was conducted to validate the conceptual model.

This research focuses on the effect of human resource management on humanitarian operations performance in humanitarian organizations with consistent training to ensure successful humanitarian operations.

The results of PLS-SEM analysis confirmed that Training and Employee Development, Recruitment and Employee Selection, and Communicative Management Style are significantly correlated with humanitarian operations performance, giving 75.7% variations which means that these human resource management are critical factors for increasing humanitarian operations performance in Malaysian humanitarian organizations.

This research will enhance humanitarian operations performance for humanitarian organizations, in-line policies outlined under the Malaysia National Security Council Directive No. 20, and benefit the field of disaster management.

This research can be used by the authorized individual involved in humanitarian operations to satisfy the needs of the victims, which ultimately contributes to the performance of these humanitarian organizations.

This research highlighted the human resource management that is vital for humanitarian organizations, which will increase humanitarian operations performance in an organization.

This study is conducted in the context of humanitarian organizations in Malaysia. It is unclear whether the key findings of this study can be generalized. Therefore, it is suggested that, in future research, the current research model should be extended to include different countries for validation.

PLS-SEM, humanitarian operations performance, human resource management, humanitarian organizations
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