Student Ownership of Learning: A Student’s Experience
InSITE 2022
• 2022
• pp. 023
Aim/Purpose: This study reports the outcome of Student Ownership of Learning (SOL) through developing a shopping application. This research aims to describe embedding agile career-like experiences into software development courses in order to improve perceived educational value.
Background: Many classes consist of lectures, homework, and tests; however, most students do not remember what they learn through passive instruction. The re-searchers of this study believe that SOL and Scrum can be combined to guide students as they take an active and leading role in their learning.
Methodology: This study implemented SOL and Scrum to promote learning through teacher and student collaboration. Iterative development of an ill-defined and complex software project progressed through goal setting, task determination, prioritization, and timeboxing. Following Scrum, the complex project was first broken down into small units.
The development followed short periods of independent work followed by meetings; each timeboxed development cycle is modeled after a Scrum sprint. Weekly instructor-student meetings emphasized planning and reflection through code review, discussions of progress and challenges, and prioritization for the next iteration. The project followed the agile philosophy of soft-ware development flow through iterative development rather than focusing on a defined end date.
Contribution: This study provides a practical guide for successful student learning based on SOL and Scrum through project details such as project successes and iterative challenges.
Findings: This study found that SOL, when combined with Scrum, can be used to provide a career-like software development experience. Student perceptions reflect regular interactions with a subject matter expert for the development of a complex software project increased willingness to learn, helped clarify goals, and advanced development of independent programming skills.
Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners can share this research with faculty members from different faculties to develop the best solutions for SOL using Scrum.
Recommendations for Researchers: Researchers are encouraged to explore different disciplines and different perspectives where SOL and Scrum methods might be implemented to increase active learning through teamwork or project-based learning.
Impact on Society: This study is beneficial for creating or redesigning a course to include career-like experiences. Readers can understand that the high level of engagement and achievement achieved through SOL and Scrum are the driving forces for project success.
Future Research: Practitioners and researchers can expand the current body of knowledge through further exploration of Scrum and SOL in educational settings where the emulation of real career experiences is desired. Future research examining best practices, tools, and methods for embedding complex software development projects into programming courses would benefit instructional faculty in many technical disciplines.
Background: Many classes consist of lectures, homework, and tests; however, most students do not remember what they learn through passive instruction. The re-searchers of this study believe that SOL and Scrum can be combined to guide students as they take an active and leading role in their learning.
Methodology: This study implemented SOL and Scrum to promote learning through teacher and student collaboration. Iterative development of an ill-defined and complex software project progressed through goal setting, task determination, prioritization, and timeboxing. Following Scrum, the complex project was first broken down into small units.
The development followed short periods of independent work followed by meetings; each timeboxed development cycle is modeled after a Scrum sprint. Weekly instructor-student meetings emphasized planning and reflection through code review, discussions of progress and challenges, and prioritization for the next iteration. The project followed the agile philosophy of soft-ware development flow through iterative development rather than focusing on a defined end date.
Contribution: This study provides a practical guide for successful student learning based on SOL and Scrum through project details such as project successes and iterative challenges.
Findings: This study found that SOL, when combined with Scrum, can be used to provide a career-like software development experience. Student perceptions reflect regular interactions with a subject matter expert for the development of a complex software project increased willingness to learn, helped clarify goals, and advanced development of independent programming skills.
Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners can share this research with faculty members from different faculties to develop the best solutions for SOL using Scrum.
Recommendations for Researchers: Researchers are encouraged to explore different disciplines and different perspectives where SOL and Scrum methods might be implemented to increase active learning through teamwork or project-based learning.
Impact on Society: This study is beneficial for creating or redesigning a course to include career-like experiences. Readers can understand that the high level of engagement and achievement achieved through SOL and Scrum are the driving forces for project success.
Future Research: Practitioners and researchers can expand the current body of knowledge through further exploration of Scrum and SOL in educational settings where the emulation of real career experiences is desired. Future research examining best practices, tools, and methods for embedding complex software development projects into programming courses would benefit instructional faculty in many technical disciplines.
Student Ownership of Learning, Scrum, Flutter, agile, iterative development, career-like experiences
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